Soft Skills of Quality Certificate

Soft Skills of 质量4.0

课程描述 | 模块 | 教练 | 时间表 & 成本

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的不确定性, 当今商业和社会环境的不稳定和快速变化需要精神和技术上的敏捷性来维持我们的个人和职业生活. 随着技术的不断发展和市场的变化正在以非常快的速度发生, stagnation of thought must be avoided. 然而, as we apply technology, 人工智能(AI)和机器学习来应对业务挑战, 人力资本的发展是成功的关键因素. To thrive in this new paradigm, 我们需要有效地利用和发展我们现有的智力资本.

Stagnation of thought is fatal to any business.

智力资本的持续改进是质量4的关键要素.0. 理解和发展软技能,因为这些概念适用于质量4.0有助于催化实现组织卓越所必需的想法.

The online Master of Science in Quality program, which celebrated its 25 year anniversary in 2021, 是否为参与过程的员工和经理开发了一个4期的证书,其中人员是确保实现目标和目的的关键因素. 这适用于流程数字化和质量改进适用的大多数行业,受益的人包括大学生/校友, STEM专业人员和其他在以下一个或多个领域具有实践经验的人员:

  • 作为虚拟或面对面的团队成员或领导者参与完成目标或目的.
  • Application of the interactions of technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning and analytics with 人类 factors within a process.
  • 认识到在一个过程中实现数字化的人力和技术方面的整合的潜在障碍.
  • Developing 人类 resource analytics to evaluate process performance

这个项目是一个队列格式,由八个模块组成,由公认的主题专家在他们的质量改进领域指导, 领导, and 人类 factors in direct applications as needed in 质量4.0.

会议将在连续四个星期二和星期四使用Zoom进行. 代表们必须参加所有的课程,并在最后一个星期四在反思日志上提供书面评论,重点是实施课程学习,以获得此证书.


模块: Class Topics, Meeting Days and 教练


质量4.0 | Krivokuca

  • 定义质量4.0及其挑战
  • Relationship to Industry 4.0
  • Where soft skills apply in a digitalized system

卓越的领导 |沃拉和米斯特里

  • Understand importance of 人类 领导 in a digitalized organization
  • 制定一个路线图,将机器学习与人类学习结合起来,以实现卓越的领导力
  • 运用数字和人力领导行动,实现可持续的人力和技术组织增长

Effective Decision Making |沃拉和米斯特里

  • 理解在任何组织中协调人力和技术决策的重要性
    • Evaluate various 质量4.0-based models of decision making
    • Develop 人类 and technological fact-based decision making


Effective Time Management | 沃拉和米斯特里

  • Analyze the importance of virtual time management
  • Identify internal and external time distractors
  • 认识到有效的时间管理方法,无论是专业的还是个人的

高效的团队合作| 沃拉和米斯特里

  • 从代际和文化多样性的角度评估虚拟团队的重要性
  • Identify characteristics of effective virtual teams
  • Develop 人类 and technological strategies for improved teamwork


Effective Risk Management |沃拉和米斯特里

  • Assess importance of risk management in the context of 质量4.0项目管理
  • Identify, prioritize, and mitigate 人类 and technological project risks
  • Develop strategies to minimize risks during a project life cycle

Effective Talent Management  |沃拉和米斯特里

  • Assess importance of talent management in digitized processes
  • Recognize the talent management life cycle in relation to technology, generational diversity, and cultural diversity
  • Create a world-class 人类 workforce in any digitized system


Voice of the Customer Management |沃拉和米斯特里

  • Evaluate importance of agile 质量4.0客户管理
  • Examine various virtual, 人类, 以及获取客户对产品和服务输入的数字化方法
  • Develop effective strategies for managing voice of the customer

Sustainable Change Management |沃拉和米斯特里

  • Recognize importance of sustainable 质量4.0变更管理
  • 应用与数字化和人力分析相关的变革管理的三个关键支柱
  • 发展品质.0 focused strategies to effectively manage change

Summary | Krivokuca

  • 应用ing soft skills, 人类 and technological in 质量4.0
  • 整合质量4.工业4.0.0
  • 展望未来

课程费用: $699


课程安排 & 成本










Distinguished 教练


Dr. 马努Vora is Chairman and President of Business Excellence, Inc. with 47 years of 领导 experience. 29年来,他在全球各大商学院教授运营管理课程. 他已经交货了。,在五大洲36个国家做了200场演讲,发表了75篇学术论文. 他做了两次TEDx演讲,并向全球680所学院/大学提供了使用技术的软技能课程,使100多万人受益. He is a Fulbright Specialist by the U.S. 国务院. 他得了B. 科技. from IIT BHU, India in Chemical Engineering, M.S. 和Ph值.D. in Chemical Engineering from IIT Chicago, and an MBA from USA. As the President of Blind Foundation for India, his team raised over $5.5 million to serve two million blind people in India. 他获得了56个专业服务奖和35个社区服务奖. Dr. Vora获得了ASQ颁发的五枚奖牌,并获得了ASQ洛杉矶700节颁发的2016年Simon Collier质量奖.

Dr. 弥尔顿Krivokuca澳门十大赌场注册平台科学质量保证硕士项目的荣誉主席和主题顾问, 卡森, CA. 他还在加州州立大学富勒顿分校教授批判性思维和质量理论的硕士课程, Illinois State University, University of California Riverside, Al Yamamah University Riyadh, and University of Redlands. 另外, he has presented contemporary quality topics at conferences in Europe, 中东, 非洲, 和亚洲, as well as countless locations throughout the United States and Canada. He is past chair of ASQ, Quality Management Division, ASQ会员, ASQ洛杉矶700节西蒙科利尔质量奖获得者和2020年ASQ 701节橙色帝国年度质量大师. Dr. Krivokuca’s advanced degrees include an MA, MBA, and a DBA. 专业认证有:CMQ/OE、CQA、CQT、CQPA、CCT、CQE、CSSGB、CSSBB. 目前,博士. Krivokuca是位于威尔明顿的弥尔顿Krivokuca and Associates公司的总裁, NC, USA and a QCTS Instructor with QC Training, 明尼阿波里斯市.

Mr. C. G. Mistry is a quality and business professional. He has over 40 years of experience in quality including plant set up, Quality department set up, 培训员工质量方法,提供改善和精益生产. 他拥有商业、航空航天、国防和核工业的经验. 他拥有拉凡尔纳大学(MBA)和澳门十大赌场注册平台(MSQA)的研究生学位。. 他任教于加州大学河滨分校和加州州立大学波莫纳分校. 他也是CMQ/OE、CQE的ASQ认证进修课程培训师. CQA and Six Sigma Green belt and Black Belt. He is ASQ certified CMQ/OE, CQE, CQA and CSSBB. He has been an active ASQ member leader for over 15 years. Twice section chair ASQ: Member since 1994 with section 702. Regional Director: Past four years. 他目前是ASQ新的全球架构下的太平洋区域总监. 他是ASQ研究员,并于2021年获得着名的西蒙科利尔质量奖.

Soft Skills of 质量4.0:数字徽章 & 凭证

Soft Skills of 质量4.0证书


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Digital Certificate Request

A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion of the required courses.

Note: Once you have completed all the required courses, you may request your certificate via our online application. 处理时间从提交之日起约为6-8周, 并包括数字证书链接和打印的物理证书.

应用 to Receive the Certificate

了解更多正规澳门平台十大赌博 数字徽章 & 证书

登记 & 联系信息

There are no prerequisites for enrollment and no admission process. When you're ready to register, call 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during business hours.

Have questions about the program? 呼叫 310-243-2075、电子邮件,或使用我们的 LiveChat↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message about this program.



卡拉C. 马丁内斯|
Student Support Coordinator

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